Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A lonely man

"Linda: Can I tell you something?

Yeah, of course.

Linda: I'm really nervous that you're gonna hate me soon. You're gonna find stuff out about me and hate me.

Jim: Like what? What do you mean?

Linda: You have so much, so many good things... and you seem so together. You're a police officer... straight
and put together, without any problems.

Jim: I lost my gun today.


Jim: I lost my gun today... and I'm the laughingstock of a lot of people. I wanted to tell you. I wanted you to
. It's on my mind. It makes me look like a fool. And I feel like a fool. You asked that we should say
things... say what we're thinking and not lie about things. I can tell you that I lost my gun today. And I'm
scared that once you find out, you won't like me.

Jim, that was so... great what you just said.

Jim: I haven't been on a date in three years, since I got divorced. Whatever you want to tell me...
whatever you think might scare me, won't. I will listen to you. I'll be a good listener
if that's
what you want.

in Magnolia


Anonymous said...

Vou comentar com uma frase do teu proprio post: "I'll be a good listener if that's
what you want." lol... mas é mesmo verdade, sabes que sim;) adoro-te amigo

MI said...

há mt tempo k tenho tentado escrever-t algo..escrever algo sobre ti..foi 1tarefa complicada!n encontrava as palavras certas p t explicar o penso e o q sinto p ti:-Dcomeço p dizer k es especial...como m disse 1amiga:"s ser diferente e ser especial, tu es mt diferente!"(esta frase tem a ver c um post teu);depois quero k saibas k me enche de ternura e quase pena ver como andas pelo mundo tao camuflado...n pensei k fosse descobrir alguem com a alma tao perto da pele!!!devo dizer publicamente q este sr.anda a matar-s a estudar p "cuidar" de "corpos sem alma"...p dar as "almas k choram os corpos" um alento...o devido respeito!parabens!
a tua sensibilidade espanta-me...acho k tao cedo n vou esquecer a sensação d abraço k os teus olhos me deram naquele dia em gaia...d alento k aquele teu inesperado bjinhu no ombro provocou no meu coraçao destroçado!es realmente muita alma p esse corpo!
desc se fui esquesita na minha longa demonstraçao de admiração, mas keria k o soubesses!obrigada*sei k sou uma fala barato ms tenho 2ouvidos e 1so boca p poder apoiar amigos...como tu!(c mt alegria)bom estudo(*)

La fille said...

é tao importante q os outros nos digam q sao eles proprios humanos... that s all it s all about right?

eternal sunshine said...

yeah, that's what it's all about. knowing that we have flaws, right? nobody's perfect. and i LOVE flaws. that's what makes us different from one another. the mistakes, the weakness, that's what we are built of*