Thursday, August 23, 2007

Another epifany

Abby: It's simple. When you meet a guy, and if you thinks there's gonna be a second date... you know the second date rule, right?

Susan: Second date rule...?

Abby: Yeah! In your second date, you're supposed to kiss the guy, and then you know if you must keep him or not. If there's any chemestry, you can feel it just in that kiss. If it's not there, don't bother, you can't force it. Believe me, I've tried. It's as simple as it gets.

in ER

Does anyone agree?


eternal sunshine said...

i don't. of course you can't force. but you can't set a deadline like that. things happen when they happen. be it the second you meet or 3 months later watching the sunset. it's about timing, not setting the time.*

La fille said...

i don t like rules in dating, dating (in its cultural meaning)is actually a too americanized idea, like there should always be a patron in relationships. we are not predictable, that s the predictable thing.
in spite of that, i still think there should be some butterflies in your stomach the first you kiss. it should give some different good sensations...

La fille said...
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Anonymous said...

Porque sou o unico aqui a escrever em portugues?lol.
Eu penso que isso nao é de todo uma coisa estereotipada, do genero se "isto nao for assim, nao da certo..." penso que aquilo que te faz sentir o desejo de querer estar de novo c a pessoa tem de partir de algo que nao consegues explicar. É verdade que tens te aperceber se faz o "cliq", a tal quimica de que falas. mas penso ser ditado puramente por instinto. Nao o podes forçar de verdade. Nao vale a pena! (you know what I mean)(parou tudo, escrevi em ingles...LOL)
Abraço amigo:)

Rick said...

tenho a dizer q eu tambem nao concordo...
